If you are looking to purchase a home or business in the Ninety Six area, there are several Real Estate agents located in Ninety Six listed below who would be happy to assist you.

Ninety Six is an excellent place to reside and houses the only School System statewide to achieve an Excellent Mark by the SC Education System for several years including the 2014, 2015 years.

Several residential areas exist, including the Town area,the 96 Mill Village, the Terra Nova area, the Harbor Heights,

Gated communities including Grand Harbor, and the Plantations.

You may also visit our Demographics page for additional information on the Town of Ninety Six.


Premier Real Estate  Steve Turner 864-344-0390/ office 864-229-6922

TLC Real Estate Offices –Sara Gresk  864-337-6419/ office 864-330-5626

Lakelands Reality –Gladys Woodcock  864-554-3890/office 864-543-sold

You may also visit http://www.greenwoodassociationofrealtors.com for additional Realtors.